Part 2 of Project Justice International’s first operation this week was to find a young girl who was taken 6 months ago from her family. The family are extremely poor and were promised work for their daughter helping with menial restaurant duties and cleaning tasks.

She was trafficked. There was no restaurant.

She was 12 years old.

But two nights ago, the nightmare ended for this little girl. PJI found her, and our team successfully rescued her.

TODAY SHE IS FREE……and home with her family, where she belongs.

PJI has provided her with a full educational scholarship. We will continue to work alongside her to bring healing and restoration to her and her family.

She had dreams to one day be a teacher. Those dreams were stolen from her.

But thanks to everyday people like the PJI team and our supporters, she has a second chance at life.

Now she can dream again.

We need your help. We need every-day heroes to support our rescue and restoration operations like this one, educational scholarships and village prevention programs.

You can change the world for these children, one precious life at a time.

We can all do something. This little girl is so worth it. And there are so many more children who need someone to give them a second chance.

Let’s partner together and make a stand for these children. Together we can make a difference.

Please message us at PJI today and join our supporters team.

Thank you for believing with us.
– PJI team –

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. ” Edmund Burke